1. Trueman Chris.Roman Slaves.History Learning Site, http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/roman_slaves.htm, may/2/2011
primary-Talks about the man who wrote about how masters should treat their slaves well.
2. No Author.Roman Slaves Clothing. Roman Colloseum, http://www.roman-colosseum.info/roman-clothing/roman-slaves-clothing.htm, may/2/2011
secondary- Talks about slave clothing.
3. No Author. Roman Slaves. Roman Colloseum, http://www.roman-colosseum.info/roman-life/roman-slaves.htm, man/2/2011
secondary- Talks about a day in the slaves life.
4. Rapael Elaine. Ancient Rome. New York, Scholastic Inc, 1995.
secondary- Talks about the what it was like around rome.
5. Connolly Peter. The Ancient City Life in Classical Athens and Rome. Oxford, Oxford university press, 1998.
secondary- Talks about life in ancient rome.